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Art Sale

Ars Magica

I did art for Ars Magica but have largely lost track of what I did for them at the time. The painting of the medieval social classes (peasant, scholar, and noble) is one I am sure about. The original is acrylic on masonite, 9×12″. If you are interested in this piece, please contact me to discuss price.

If you are interested in other Ars Magica art that I created, please tell me what it is and I will see if I still own it.

Please be aware that I am travelling often over the next month, and may not be able to answer all your questions because I won’t be able to look into my drawers of old art while I am away. Thank you for your interest, and bravo to Atlas Games for their launch of the new Ars Magica edition!


Liz Danforth is best known for her art and illustrations, primarily created for the games industry. Her most visible work at present is for the card game Sorcery: Contested Realm, which raised over $4,000,000(US) on Kickstarter. Her card art appears in the game, on one of the exclusive two-player playmats, and will be used in the packaging as well. Those interested in purchasing originals or prints, see below.

Liz also writes fiction and game material, edits the work of others, and worked as the lead illustrator and co-creator for the Deluxe Edition of the second-oldest role-playing game, Tunnels & Trolls. In the last few years, her work appeared in the reboot of Steve Jackson’s Fantasy Trip, Old School Monsters, and related projects.

Since 1978, Liz has worked steadily as an artist, writer, editor, and/or game developer on role-playing games, card games, and board games. She has been a writer and scenario designer for computer and video games. Her credits include work for licensed Middle Earth and Star Trek projects, Wasteland, and work on more than a dozen different collectible card games. She was one of the original artists for Magic the Gathering, creating art for about three dozen of the early cards. She has created maps and illustrations which appear in mainstream and fantasy novels and anthologies. She was inducted into the Academy of Gaming Arts and Design’s Hall of Fame (1995).

She continues to freelance in art, writing, and game design from her home in Tucson, Arizona.

I will be glad to sign your cards (Magic, Middle Earth, or any of the others), or you can find out where to follow me on social media or where to drop me a line (via mailing address or email).

I am getting many inquiries about the paintings done for Sorcery, especially the “Mirror Realm” original. At this time, neither it nor my other paintings are for sale. If and when that changes, I will notify you if you first email me and ask to be put on the list.

I have made reproductions of much of my art, including “Mirror Realm” for Sorcery and “Hymn to Tourach” for Magic. Signed limited edition prints, playmats, postcards, and canvas prints are available. Please email me for prices and availability.

Upcoming Live Events

Live events are starting up again, and I plan to attend them where and when I can. I will announce details as events are confirmed.

Next Events:

SCG-CON Denver – April 11th – 13th 2025

SCG-CON Denver

April 11th – 13th 2025

Colorado Convention Center

700 14th St
Denver, CO 80202

I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be attending SCG CON Denver 2025! Come by to say hello, get your cards and collectibles signed, or chat about art, gaming, and adventures old and new. I’m looking forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new friends. See you there!

More Information

Patreon Is My New Normal

On Patreon, you will find “Liz Danforth is Making Mages and Sages.” This is the platform where I am most active. For three years now, I have posted multiple times a month. In addition, I run weekly live meetups, either a short social chat on topics de la mode, or longer co-working sessions where we all buckle down to some postponed task or creative endeavor that might benefit from companionship and/or accountability.

In my Patreon posts, I show sketches and art (old and new), write about works in progress, or about my travels (when I am able to travel, anyway), my working process, creative endeavors, and general musings. Some posts are open to the public, or they come open after my paying supporters get a first look. Supporters also get deep dives that only they can read. Sometimes I make special offers or give people an early option at buying my work.