last update 25 September 2021
FOR A LONG time I wanted to keep this site up to date, swearing “I’ll get back to it Real Soon Now™.” Life and work never give me the slack to work on it. What I am going to do, for now, is offer evergreen basics.
I will be glad to sign your Magic cards, discuss possible commissions, (although new commissions are mostly on hold until later in 2021), or you can find out where to follow me on social media or where to drop me a line (via mailing address or email).

As for public appearances: well, I planned for many shows in 2020, but then everything changed. (no, really??) Moreover, I brought home a case of Covid-19 after attending a MagicFest tournament in Lyon, France the first week of March. I tested positive in the ER on March 17. You can read how it went for me here. Aside from lingering fatigue and some minor long-haul symptoms, I am finally recovered.
When I do events online or in person, I will update the information below.

Upcoming Live Event:
Seattle/Tacoma TCG-Con, 4-5 December 2021 I am looking forward to my first new live event since the pandemic began. You can find all the information about TCG-Con here. The show covers many of the card games out there, in addition to Magic the Gathering, and I plan to bust out a lot of new material that I’ve been working on this last year. Maybe some little-seen original art, even? Come for signatures, sketches, card alterations, and we can discuss commissions. (I hope to be all caught up on my old ones well before then.)
Patreon Is My New Normal
On Patreon, you will find “Liz Danforth is Making Mages and Sages.” This is the platform where I am most active. For three years now, I have posted multiple times a month. In addition, I run weekly live meetups, either a short social chat on topics de la mode, or longer co-working sessions where we all buckle down to some postponed task or creative endeavor that might benefit from companionship and/or accountability.
In my Patreon posts, I show sketches and art (old and new), write about works in progress, or about my travels (when I was able to, anyway), my working process, creative endeavors, and general musings. Some posts are open to the public, or they come open after my paying supporters get a first look. Supporters also get deep dives that only they can read. Sometimes I make special offers or give people an early option at buying my work.

I have a Discord server (the Danforth Makerhouse) as one of the perks for all Patreon supporters, as well as other fans and friends, which is lively with wonderful conversations and interesting people. I am there pretty much daily, so if you want to know more about me as “an icon of early gaming” (HA!) and can handle an active Discord, then drop me a line or better yet, sign up at any level for Patreon support. The Discord comes as an automatic benefit for that, with a private channel just for supporters.
I will update this page as time permits. If you have questions, please leave a note in the Comments and I will do my best to answer!
last update 25 September 2021
Hiya Liz. Glad you made it.
Thanks. 🙂 So am I.